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The Friends of Father Baker Reception is one of the Our Lady of Victory (OLV) Organizations’ two main fundraising events and OneBridge Benefits is proud to support the event every year. OLV makes a significant impact on the Western New York Community and as a Board Member, OneBridge CEO, Nick Knab, was honored to be part of the coordinating committee.

OneBridge Sponsors Friends of Father Baker Reception

This year’s Friends of Father Baker Reception was held at the Hyatt Regency Buffalo on November 2nd and honored two award recipients — Ronald Thaler and Douglas Colemen — who have dedicated their life’s work to serving children and families in need and embody Father Nelson Baker’s legacy of caring. The event was also a celebration of the 110th anniversary of the opening of the OLV Infant Home.

OneBridge Sponsors Friends of Father Baker Reception

Roughly 375 people attended the festivities — which were held just two blocks from the OneBridge Benefits offices — to hear heartfelt speeches from the honorees and raise nearly $110,000.

OneBridge Sponsors Friends of Father Baker Reception

As one of the biggest fundraising events of the year for OLV, this event supports the several programs and services of many OLV organizations, including Baker Victory Services, OLV Homes of Charity, OLV National Shrine & Basilica, and OLV Elementary School. For more information on these programs and Friends of Father Baker, visit

OneBridge Sponsors Friends of Father Baker Reception

Photo credit: OLV Institutions and Photographer Tom Wolf.